"Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court." 

Psalms 127:3-5

When is Kid's Church?

Every Sunday at our Second Service (10:30am), we provide bible based classes for our children. We currently use Brite from AWANA as our curriculum. Ages 4-12 are welcome to join us over in the Children's Education Building (CE) behind the main building.  

What a Typical Kid's Church Class Looks Like...

When parents drop off their 4-12 year olds at Kid's Church, first they'll need to be signed in and we make sure we know who will be picking them up after service. Students will have a small activity available to them while we wait for everyone to arrive. We'll get started with our bible lesson and practical activity and move to our bible verse of the day. When our lesson is complete, we'll have time for snack and free play time while parent's arrive to pick up their children. 

Our hope is that parents are able to not only familiarize themselves with the lessons but also have conversations with their children during the week.  We are currently using the Brite Curriculum from AWANA.


Parent's can rest assured their children's safety and protection are crucial to us at Plateau Community Church. Every adult that works with minors have had a complete background check and have been trained in our safety policies and procedures. When a child is dropped off to our Kid's Church Program for the first time, a registration form is filled out by the parent informing us of any food allergies and or any other accommodations that are needed as well.