Life Groups at PCC

At PCC, our Life Groups are small groups that typically meet weekly for fellowship, bible study, and prayer.

Most of our LGs this fall will be sermon based studies intending to deepen our understanding of God’s Word, especially the passages that have been taught in our Sunday worship services.

Our Life Groups serve as a platform to form deeper relationships, and to support each other in spiritual growth. Our groups are made up of individuals from various walks of life, unified by their shared faith and commitment to spiritual enrichment.

To Deepen Your Faith
Participating in a Life Group within our church provides an intimate setting to dive deeper into faith-based discussions, allowing for personal spiritual growth and a better understanding of God’s Word.

To Develop Fellowship and Community

Life Groups foster a sense of belonging and community. They provide an opportunity to form meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals, lending emotional support, and promoting a sense of unity.

To Find Opportunities for Service

Life Groups often involve service activities that help others in the community. These initiatives enable you to put your faith into action, contributing positively to society and experiencing the joy of service.

Want to Join a Life Group?

Our LGs will be launching this fall!

We will have several groups going at different times throughout the week.

Stay tuned for official launch dates and schedule.